Tip of the Week

As the infection rate is rising, the likelihood of one of your team testing positive for Covid increases. So, what do you do if one of your team does test positive?
Based on Current Government guidance
- Person testing positive to self isolate for a minimum of 10 days and until they are clear of symptoms
- If other colleagues are contacted by Track and Trace, they will be advised that they must self isolate for 14 days and only have a test if they develop symptoms
- If a member of your team has been in close contact with the infected person, they must self isolate for 14 days. Close contact is deemed to be:-
- Face to face unprotected contact (no face coverings or protective screens and within 1m) for one minute or direct physical contact
- Contact within 2m for more than 15 minutes
- Notify all staff so they can be alert for symptoms
- Deep clean/Sanitise premises – sanitising all surfaces or fogging. Sanitise all hard surfaces including chairs and all touchpoints including door handles, door push panels, taps, bannisters, tables, toilet areas.
- If more than one person tests positive for Covid in your workplace, you will need to contact your local Health Protection Team who will advise on further actions.
There is no need to close your premises unless you are advised to do so by your Local Health Protection Team. Remind your staff daily to wash hands on arrival at work, on entering their work zone – everytime – and frequently throughout the day.
Weekly Food Fact
80% of our pumpkin crop is picked in October. Did you know that each pumpkin has about 500 seeds – they taste great roasted.

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