Tip of the Week

When declaring what allergens are in your food, it is important to include any ingredients that are listed by the manufacturer as “May Contain”
What does “May Contain” on a product label mean?
A “May Contain” declaration on a product label means that, although the product does not contain the food item as an added ingredient, there is a possibility the main product has been contaminated by this ingredient during the production process.
The manufacturer is informing you that there is a possibility that traces of the “May Contain” ingredient may be found in their product. Just a trace of an ingredient a person is allergic to can be fatal.
It is your responsibility to declare all allergens in your foods accurately including any “May Contain” ingredients. You can note these on your Allergen information as “May Contain”.
Note that products labelled with a “May Contain” declaration may have traces of that ingredient so that product would NOT be suitable for a person with that allergy.
ALWAYS double check manufacturers ingredient labels and “May Contain” declarations
Weekly Food Fact
Did you know that research has found the nutritional value of canned foods to be similar to fresh and frozen. In fact, canned tomatoes have higher levels of lycopene and vitamin B than fresh tomatoes.