What is the USE BY date of your food?

Tip of the Week

Foods with a USE BY day within 3 days  – Use Coloured Day Dot.  The coloured dot is the USE BY day.

Foods with a USE BY day longer than 3 days – use a HACCP label

Manufactured Packaged Foods

  • All packaged foods are labelled with the manufacturer’s best before or use by dates. Whilst the food remains unopened, adhere to the manufacturer’s date.
  • Once a pack is opened, follow the manufacturer’s guidelines which will state “Use within x days of opening”. Some foods have a shelf life of 3 days (processed ham/smoked salmon, etc.) – use a Coloured Day Dot.  But some foods have a longer shelf life of up to 28 days (bottled sauces, chocolate, jam, etc.) – use a HACCP label.

Fresh Foods Prepared on Site

  • Fresh foods prepared or cooked on site have a 3 day shelf life. Day of preparation/cooking plus 2. Label with a coloured day dot (you can also use an Allergen Label to easily identify allergen in prepared foods).

Foods Cooked and Frozen on Site

  • Foods frozen on site need to be labelled using a HACCP label giving a 3 month date life
  • Information on the label should include:– Product description, date of freezing and use by date


Shelf life less than 3 days – use a Coloured Day Dot

Shelf life over 3 days – use a HACCP label

Weekly Food Fact

Did you know the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned or processed, cooked or in any form other than fresh, is lettuce