Overview of New COVID Guidelines

Tip of the Week

Here is a quick overview of the new COVID Guidelines and what it means to your business

Track and Trace

It is mandatory to participate in the Track and Trace system with collection of your customers information.  The NHS Track and Trace App goes live on 24/9/20. This will enable you to produce a site specific poster with a QR code that your customers can then scan so there will be no need for you to take their details.  However, you will still need to take the details of anyone who does not have a smart phone.  If in Scotland download the tracing app here – https://protect.scot/.

Closing time for ALL Hospitality Businesses

Enforced closing time is now 10pm. That means you need to close your doors at 10pm, except if you are in Wales which allows an extra 20 minutes finishing drink time.  Takeaways must also close at 10pm, however food deliveries can continue after 10pm. The requirement to close your doors at 10pm will be strictly enforced with fines for non compliance.


Table service is mandatory in all establishments that sell alcohol. Food and drink can be ordered by an app, by a dedicated text number or orders can be taken by front of house staff.

Numbers of guests per table

Maximum of 6 guests per table


ALL Front of House Hospitality staff will need to wear a face mask or face visor at ALL times whilst at work

ALL customers will need to wear a face mask or face visor indoors when visiting your premises. They may remove their face masks only when seated


In the news last week, it was stated that face masks provide more protection than face visors.  As there is no British Standard for the face masks we wear, there are no definitive results as the research would differ on the type of mask and the type of visor.  If your staff are likely to need to remove or pull down their face mask regularly touching the mask, it is probably safer to wear a face visor as this is more comfortable and will not need removing as often as a face mask.  Face visors should cover your whole face.  The government guidance to hospitality is to wear a face covering (either a mask or visor).  If the evidence and guidance regarding wearing face visors changes, we will let you know.

Weekly Food Fact

Did you know that Tomatoes are a great food to strengthen your immune system.  They are packed with Vitamin C.  Just one medium tomato contains over 16 milligrams of vitamin C!