New straw ruling

Tip of the Week

Reducing plastic waste

Plastic straws are now legally banned in England.  From 1 October 2020 it is illegal for businesses to give out plastic straws or stirrers to their customers.  The Government has committed to taking a step towards tackling the problem of single use plastics.

Defra says the UK was getting through nearly 5 billion straws annually and 316 million plastic stirrers.  Unfortunately, this is only the tip of the iceberg regarding our plastic waste pollution.

However, disposable face masks, which are single use by design, are now on the way to becoming our next hazardous waste problem.  Make sure you brief your team to dispose of their single use face masks in a general waste bin.

A great solution would be to provide your staff with reusable face masks which they can wash at home and reuse.  Branded fabric face masks look great, give consistency to the look of your team, drive brand awareness and are overall better for the environment!


About 90% of the rubbish in our oceans is made of plastic.  If you use packaging in your company, a great alternative is Vegware which is made of 100% biodegradable materials.  The Vegware cutlery, paper products and food packaging also looks great and is very robust.  Vegware can be disposed of with your food waste but you will need to check with your food waste contractor.

Weekly Food Fact

Did you know that about 90% of seabirds and 30% of turtles have plastics in their stomach – let’s do what we can to stop this.

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