Kitchen paperwork

Tip of the Week

Did you know that in the run up to the festive season, alleged food poisoning incidents increase by over 400%.  This year, with the spotlight on allergens, we are also expecting a significant rise in allergen complaints.

Stringent due diligence is the way to protect your customers and protect your business.

The essential daily kitchen due diligence records are:-

  • Delivery Schedule – Record all your deliveries to demonstrate temperature, dates, packaging, labels were all checked
  • Fridge and freezer temperatures twice daily
  • Core cooking temperature of a selection of high risk protein foods daily
  • Cooling times and temperatures of all high risk foods cooled – this is an essential record for your due diligence as cooling food safely is a high risk area
  • Kitchen Cleaning & Daily Checks
  • Allergen matrix is up to date and accurate


Ensure your kitchen procedures are in place, your staff are trained (including seasonal staff) and your kitchen paperwork is completed daily.

Weekly Food Fact

Did you know that Mince Pies apparently hold special powers?  According to tradition, you must make a wish when eating your first mince pie of the season!

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