Tip of the Week

We all know that frequent and effective handwashing is vital to operating a safe kitchen.
Here are a few tips –
- Check staff are washing hands in designated hand wash sink before starting work and after every change in task.
- Handwash sinks should be accessible (ie.no bins, mops etc. obstructing access to sink)
- No utensils or other items should ever be placed in the handwash sink
- Handwash soap should be available at every handwash sink
- Blue roll or paper towels should be available at every handwash sink
- Sinks should be cleaned thoroughly every day
- Taps should be clean with no limescale at base of taps
- No nail brushes on the sink as they harbour bacteria
If taps are hand operated – staff should turn off taps using blue roll so they do not re-infect their hands
Weekly Food Fact
Always dry hands on blue roll/paper towels. Did you know that damp hands are 1000 times more likely to spread bacteria than dry hands!